The club

About us

O.G.R. Karate is a member of the Middle Karate Association, Swedish Karate Association and Swedish Sports Confederation


We are certified within the Open sports initiative, an initiative started by the Enköping municipality to encourage clubs to include all participants in their activities, no matter their background or qualifications, and regularly attend education events organized through the initiative.

We are very thankful to be a Friendship Dojo of the main Dojo of the Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Do Jundokan:

Drug policy for Okinawa Goju Ryu (O.G.R.)

Drug policy for Okinawa Goju Ryu (O.G.R.)
Karate Enköping

Drug policy for Okinawa Goju Ryu (O.G.R.)

Karate Enköping

In this policy, ”drugs” refer to tobacco, alcohol and narcotic substances.

Our club organizes karate training and we aim to pursue a healthy living in order to be able to develop as karateka. Our members are children, teenagers and adults and we should all strive to set a good example for the other members of the club. Therefore, the following rules apply:

All activities organized by O.G.R. Karate Enköping are free from nicotine, i.e. no intake of nicotine by means of smoking, taking snough, etc, is allowed in conjunction with trainings.

All seminars, trainings and public displays organized by O.G.R. Karate Enköping are free from alcohol. At festivities or dinners organized by the club, intake of alcohol should be restrictive. For members below the age of 18, no intake of alcohol is allowed at such events.

Narcotic substances and doping

All activities organized by O.G.R. Karate Enköping are free from narcotic substances and doping. Substances that are considered as doping are listed on Riksidrottsförbundets webpage, which can be found on:

as well as on the webpage of the Swedish Karate Association. In order to check whether the medication one ingests include prohibited substances, one can refer to the Red List of medications:

Exceptions to the above rule will be made if the medication is taken due to prescriptions.

We renounce the intake of illegal substances, even if it occurs away from trainings. If the board considers it necessary, the police will be contacted.

If a member should violate the above policy, or in other ways not act in accordance to the clubs values, for example by ingesting illegal substances or acting violently for no reason, the issue will be brought before the board. There it is looked into, discussed and documented, and a decision regarding consequences will be made. Smaller violations may result in a warning and/or a call to under-age members’ legal guardians. More serious violations result in exclusion from all activities organized by the club, in compliance with the clubs by-laws.

The board is accountable for compliance with the above policy.

Suponsā スポンサー

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Or know more of our BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD-packages as well as the 365 club!

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Thank you very much

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